目前分類:番言英語 (25)

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        Having been the capital of Great Britain empire,
London has been an exceptional tour destination for exploring English civilization,
and museums and historical sites around the city expose us to enriched English
culture. Tower of London, a superb collection as well as living museum of
fabulous English history since the Norman conquer in 12
th century, has been regarded by 8 out of 16
participants as the most worthwhile place to visit
. London Eye, another
significant landmark, gains another 5 positive response.



        In terms of the English courses provided by
the Hampstead, however, mixed responses have been received. It’s strongly
suggested that two days of settlement and refreshment prior to the program are
required. In this way, participants can regain their vigor to activate full
concentration on English-learning curriculum. Additionally, requirement towards
classroom attendance of international students is highly recommended.




        Quite successful as I consider the
English-Learning tour in London 2011, some room are left to be desired. To
enable students to employ English as a practical tool for interpersonal communication
and international exploration rather than a subject just for scoring high on
tests, however, such outbound tour should be regularly implemented. In the end,
I would like to dedicate the brief summary to everyone involved: the 38
adorable fellow participants, the staff in department of teaching and
curriculum, and, above all, my dearest family, who have been my spiritual
support for the whole incredible journey. Hopefully, there will be more and
more outbound English-learning tours in the near future.



劍橋大學的圓頂教堂, 花了很大的力氣才終於抵達!


正在為2012倫敦奧運趕工的英國皇家海軍博物館近郊, 最右邊可以看見倫敦奧運主場館.



謝謝大家充分的配合! 希望有機會再見啦!

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         To make English a part of life, a tool of
exploring the world, and a means of experiencing exotic cultures, an English-Learning
Tour outbound for England has been schemed out, which also gained massive
support from the school and parents in my class. Under the collaboration with
the Green International, a company specializing in organizing tours to learn
English abroad, our program has come to a happy end, where participants not
only put English into day-to-day practice, but also absorb the essence of
English culture in London. To assure that the goals we set had been secured, a
poll was conducted on Facebook fans club to obtain some evidence of numbers to
support our perspectives.







        Rich in English variants, London is home to
millions of international residents with a wide diversity of English dialects
and accents, and thus participates are granted plenty of opportunities to
listen and respond to different kinds of English in their daily life. 4 participants
agree that their English listening and speaking comprehension abilities have
been greatly improved, some other 4 agree that their confidence in interacting
with international friends has been prominently upgraded, and still other 8 agree
that they have broadened their horizons internationally.






        Since English is an essential and crucial
tool in life and participants are willing to interact with people via English
on a day-to-day basis, we assume that it will secure their confidence in
backpacking tour to London in their later life. In the poll, 14 out of 16 participants agree that the
tour and life experiences facilitate their ability to travel alone in London in
the future
. That is, locating the tourist resorts, taking rides on
underground train system across different zones, and handling life issues such
as food and accommodation issue are no longer problematic for them.





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As time goes by, I just “celebrated” my 36th birthday
with my family in a fancy restaurant and a bunch of my friends on Facebook a
few days ago. Believe it or not, I have 810 friends on Facebook, approximately 135
out of whom left a comment for birthday greeting on my FrontPage. To
demonstrate my politeness and a gesture of life-long friendship, I pushed the “LIKE”
bottom and simply replied to each comment, which took me another two




Needless to say, however, the older I grow, the less interesting and
willing for me to “celebrate” my birthday, let alone the fact that 135 people assembled
to remind me that it’s the time AGAIN. Don’t get it wrong. I do enjoy the
feeling of being concerned, but the feeling of getting older and older is always
getting sadder and sadder. Most of the time people will not gather to send
greetings for specific reasons, especially for a middle-aged, rug-faced and
potato-shaped man(potato, a new nickname from my dearest homeroom students),and
then my birthday is a perfect reason.



Ironically, it seems everything keeps notifying me of this
heart-breaking piece of information about getting old annually. The feedback note
after the meal of the fancy restaurant is a typical example. The box I ticked
for my age has shifted from 26-30, 31-35, and now it’s 36-40, and sooner or
later it’s time for the box of 50 and more. What’s worse, it’s unlikeable, unstoppable,
and unchangeable. This irreversible aging process really gets on my nerves.



Looking on the bright side, I can see Andy grow up as I grow old. Greeted
by one-eighth of my friends, I also can feel I am not actually alone. Nonetheless,
the only true conception about my birthday is that I have more and more mixed
feeling about it. One thing is for sure: my pleasure of celebrating my birthday
has decreased gradually and annually, and no longer will I push the “LIKE” bottom
on the comments for my birthday on Facebook for it.


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Time flies, and now it’s almost the end of the semester, which has been the busiest one I’ve undergone. Ever since I became the homeroom teacher of class 122, I have been occupied with endless workload and thrilling challenges. However, when reviewing the whole term in retrospect, I consider every effort I made for you extremely worthwhile



In terms of English teaching, we have been trying almost all kinds of teaching methods and approaches in addition to the teacher-centered criteria and traditional lecture-based lessons. In taught units organized by myself, we dig into the handouts that I’ve spent numerous hours for, read widely for given topics selected according to subjects of units, and experience various kinds of warming-up and after-unit activities, comprising acting with grammar, conducting Halloween poll and group reading activity for the chemical “caffeine”. In extra oral training lessons organized by Gustav, Jenny and I, 19 participants learn things from their personal perspectives. For me, I try my best to train my group members to become qualified actors and actresses, besides the regular conversation practice.



In weekend program we tried out some more different stuffs for multiple intelligence development and broadening our horizons through international teachers. Aside from the lectures addressed on Shakespeare and Chinese literature, Shrine introduced us into the fantasy hall of acting performance, Ken brought us into the amazingly significant territory of American lifestyle, and I did push you to sample the taste of sketching, drawing, group-designing and picturing to help develop your special, interpersonal and bodily intelligences. All weekend units are arranged based on the beliefs that we are supposed to try something unique rather than stick to the status quo. I am delighted that most of you find them inspiring.



        We did experience something unusual academically, but what indeed impressed me is your dedication to extracurricular activities, ranging from classroom decoration, sports meet for National Defense Champion, exhibition organized by language talents, to anniversary school garden stand sales. For better preparation for the volleyball tournament held in the next semester, some of you practiced overtime in volleyball court to sharpen your skills at night. You did whatever you could and got involved whole-heartedly in such class activities though we might not be awarded for the perspiration we sweated. I felt touched and proud of you.




       At the end of the semester and the time of thankfulness, all I want to convey to you is a simple expression of “Thank You”. Because of you, I feel like becoming a better teacher.


這個攤位我們投注了不少心血, 對我而言是個難得的經驗~~

期待下學習開始的122職業排球賽事! 哈哈!!

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To help Class 122 facilitate their process of learning, I have been occupied with tons of tasks recently. For instance, I have to coach them for various contests, arrange assignments for Shiny Story Biweekly, organize articles and publish handouts, assign tasks for calculating Johnny Bucks, be a talent scout to detect their specific talents of English language, and come up with all kinds of class activities to inspire them to develop their language abilities through multiple intelligences. The most challenging task for me, however, is that I cannot change what they conceive inside. It seems that some of the most talented students in this class want to do nothing but stick to the status quo, just like what’s sung in the High School Musical.

為了幫語資班加速學習的腳步,最近因為許多工作忙翻天。例如要訓練他們參加比賽、發行語資雙周刊班報、編製課程講義、計算語資班虛擬貨幣(Johnney Bucks)、發掘他們在語言學習上的天分、更要想出很多活動透過多元智慧激發他們發展語言能力。然而對我而言,最艱難的任務卻是改變他們內心的認知。他們之中有些學生只想維持現狀,就像歌舞青春裡的那首歌”Stick to the Status Quo”



It could be a part of human’s genes; for lots of generations, people always follow the fixed pattern that we have adopted in pursuit of success. None will like to change their method of achieving success if there’s nothing going wrong, which may explain why my students didn’t feel like trying something extraordinary. The expressions such as “I don’t act”, “ I don’t sing”, “I don’t dance” and “I don’t play sports” have been heard a lot, especially for those who do perform well on tests and stand high on ranking . All they don’t know is that for them, in fact, the strongest competitors are coming from outside the campus, and they can do as well as you do on tests. Showing that you are one-of-a-kind through various attempts to accomplish something different is a good way to grant you an edge when vying with them for the college you desire.



More and more researches indicate that the potential of human beings is unlimited and beyond our imagination. The obstacles people erect in mentality are the only stumbling stones preventing us from moving forward to someplace incredible. In reality, so long as we believe in ourselves, there is no star in heaven we can’t reach. So go ahead with a daring heart and remove all the barriers we set up by ourselves, for we are supposed to be breaking free.


其實就算是啦啦隊也可以學到很多東西!! It depends on your attitude!

額外的口語課程也是可以學到東西的重要關鍵, 重點是能不能突破自我設限.

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  Class 122 now is open for business! It’s my great honor and pleasure to be the homeroom teacher of class 122, which consists of 30 adorable and diligent language talents. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we are doing good so far. I will do whatever I can to work together with you over any possible challenges. Roll in‘.




       This bi-weekly and bilingual paper is a brand-new try for this language class. We hope that through the publish of the paper, parents, teachers and students of 122 can be well notified of what we are doing here , demonstrate what they think and share their points of views from time to time. The first publish of this paper is accomplished by a mini-teamwork, Ulysses, a helpful practice teacher, and myself. In the future, the paper will be a collaboration of 122 students. A collection of such paper will also be made, which may be exceptional reference for students’ application and recommendation into university. So let’s move forward! 



        Under the leadership of Sky, Cloud, Breeze, Rainbow, and Storm(Hey Ken, you’ve just got a new nickname!), 122 man’s basketball team defeated another wonderful class, 121, and successfully make it to the second round of the inter-class basketball tournament. Although they lost another following match by only 3 points, their sportsmanship and perseverance still took the audience by storm.




       Saturday program is on the move. On 2nd October, Ken Peterson, guest lecturer of our program, delivered an exceptional speech about a household famous sit-com “Friends”, organizing a warm-up activity for drama practice. Everyone in the class enjoyed his classroom activity.



       As follow-up drama activity, class 122 was instructed to read the transcript of the sitcom, watched the drama and was divided into six sub-groups named after fruit’s names so as to finish groups’ tasks on a collaboration basis. The Watermelon Squad, for example, was making effort to finish the questions on the worksheet.


       周末班課程熱烈進行中。外籍教師Ken 介紹美國家喻戶曉的電視影集六人行,並且為了戲劇演練安排暖身運動。接下來閱讀劇本、欣賞影集、依照小組合作方式完成任務。照片中西瓜小隊正在努力完成學習單上的問題。



     Thanks to the complete support from school, Class 122 is now recruiting 12 members specialized in English Language writing and speaking. These recruitees will attend special training classes after the first monthly exam. By the way, classroom decor project may start right after the first monthly exam comes to an end. It may take one or two weeks to complete. Passionate volunteers are extremely welcome!



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        A week ago, my article referring to multiple intelligences is chosen and classified as “Yahoo Special Selection”, and more words cannot describe one single tiny bit of thankfulness and gratefulness from the bottom of my heart, especially in the pretty-chick-win-everything Taiwanese surroundings. The phenomenon of so-called Tai-Da five chicks as well as Chung-Da thirteen chicks may explain everything.



        As more and more media pay attention to pretty chicks, even some of which notice only pretty chicks, I start to feel desperate about the core values of Taiwanese. That is, it seems that our society only places what pretty girls do under the spotlight. With pretty faces, breath-taking figures, eye-catching outfit and well-manipulated make-up, pretty girls can draw attention from mainstream media with hands down. It turns out that physical appearance appears to dominate everything in Taiwan.



        The media and the society are supposed to blame for the weird situation; the labeled beautiful girls are innocent, though. In fact, these girls work as diligently as other men do, demonstrating flawless expertise in their career. Unfortunately, the media only cover how they look outside and ignore what they have inside. To make matter worse, men who work with equivalent perseverance and diligence tend to be neglected. They are also hard-working, but their effort is not worth any attention compared to what pretty chicks do, and I am one of these guys.



        I am convinced that it is what contains inside that matters. Delighted over being chosen, I think Yahoo Blog has just proved it. Here in the little tiny corner of the media I want to express my personal gratitude to Yahoo Blog again. Being selected as the special article is one of my most fabulous experiences in my lifetime.  


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It seems everyone is on Facebook these days: your coworkers, your best friend from fifth grade, your neighbors, even some of your superintendents. Instead of breakfast issue, the first thing you encounter in everyday life is probably a bunch of questions like “What ingredient did you get today?”” Do you level (yourself) up? Tell me the tips.”, or” You stole my crops last night, didn’t you?” and so on. In a word, Facebook and its applications have become a hot everyday topic among people recently. In fact, it’s our Canadian neighbor in Southampton University , Catherine, that introduced us Facebook and its multifunctional usages. Not until I realize the pleasure of using Facebook and its applications do I get involved though.




Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can add friends to their Facebook homepage, send them messages, demonstrate their photos, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about their instant movements. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, and school or college. Through the network of interpersonal relationship organized by the Internet system, people can broaden their social range regardless of the limitation of space and distance. For instance, we are so far still in touch with our international friends in Southampton , and we even befriend with some people who we haven’t met before through playing identical applications.





        Facebook usage has exploded in 2009, with the site claiming its fastest-growing popularity among white-collar office workers, teenagers, and young adults aged 30-35. The rocketing popularity, however, is credited to the applications of games that attached to Facebook. The on-line applications, such as Restaurant City , Happy Farms, Mafia Wars or Café World, have made it possible to keep users logging in Facebook remain on-line to check the processing of their games. The ways to play these games may vary, but they do have something in common: the locked system that boost users’ incentives to unlock, the minimum basic hardware system requirement that assures access from every computer, and interactive model that stimulates users to get linked to their friends at the same time.




While playing these games, Facebook users don’t actually need to totally concentrate on the games; instead, they can arrange everything in good order, let the application proceed for a while, and then come back within a few hours to check the result. For many office workers, it’s one of the best ways to relieve themselves from the heavy pressure of workload, entertaining themselves and interacting with their friends simultaneously. No wonder Jerry, a Restaurant City fan and friend of mine, says, “I have neither time for any PC games nor chance to do real social with my friends, and that’s why I play Facebook applications.” It’s seemingly the main reason that why so many people hang on in Facebook


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To demonstrate our friendliness and hospitality, we three Hakka people decided to introduce our honorable visitor, Chris, a very special place rich in unique Hakka traditions. Thus, the trip to Beipu was scheduled. Featured by the practice of Hakka ground tea, the one-of-a-kind development of township as well as the authentic flavor of Hakka delicacy, Beipu has been the first choice on our visiting list before we returned home from England last year. Thanks to Chris’ visit, the dream of the trip eventually came true.






Beipu is located along a green hillside where Hakka people and aborigines used to have numerous bloody conflicts, and that is why the township of Beipu develops in a special way. Hakka people living in this town construct Beipu for two specific purposes: one is to facilitate the business development, and the other is to defend the constant attacks from aborigines. That is why there are two to four avenues leading to the town center, where locates a Hakka temple, but meanwhile the rest of the streets are extremely crooked and occasionally leading dead ends. In the past, the “invading” aborigines might not be familiar with the surroundings of the town, and then they could be trapped and struck to death. Now, of course, Hakka people and aborigines live in harmony and peace, but the feature of the township remains the same.



The trip to Beipu won’t be complete without sampling the two most prestigious teas: Hakka ground tea and the Oriental Beauty Tea. In addition to the Hakka ground tea that requires lots of efforts, the Oriental Beauty Tea has been wonderfully brewed and served during our visit to the Teahouse of Well. The only thing we have to do is enjoy the aftertaste of sweetness and the amazing story behind the tea.




Also named the “Pengfong” tea, the Oriental Beauty Tea is seemingly a production of coincidence. Legend has it that a tea grower missed the proper tea-selling season but still carried his oolong over to Taipei to sell. Amazed at the quality the delayed oolong presented, the distributors in Taipei paid 20 times the price what the grower and his competitors normally charged in their hometown. The unexpected experience was looked upon as brag by the grower’s competitors and neighbors and the tea got the name of brag as a result. Later, the “Pengfong” tea is reported to have abundant vitamins and other ingredients very beneficial to girls’ beauty, and therefore it is also named the Oriental Beauty Tea.





    Aside from tea, the Hakka cuisine provided by local restaurants is something we should try and does stimulate our taste buds. We ordered several famous Hakka dishes, including the Hakka stir-fry, the chopped steamed chicken with Hakka tangerine sauce, the bamboo shoots steamed with soy sauce, the Hakka fried wide noodles, together with the not-greasy clam soup, to feed our desperate appetite. Decorated with old-fashioned Hakka furniture, the local Hakka restaurant seems to add some more special flavor into their dishes. I don’t actually know how other people feel about the four dishes, but at least I feel perfectly content. Blending perfectly with knowledge of culture and exceptional taste of delicacy, the trip to Beipu is definitely worth our memory.



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Recently I read a passage introducing the diverse conceptions over teachers’ roles between cultural backgrounds in the East and West . The passage, written in English by a native English-speaking language teacher currently working in Taiwan, illustrates that Chinese and Westerners treat and examine teachers from totally different perspectives, and that is the beginning of how the West and the East differ.

最近我讀了一篇很有趣的文章,文章的作者是個以英語為母語的外國人,目前在台灣當老師。這篇用英文寫成的文章介紹東西方 文化對 老師這個角色所持的截然不同的觀點,而這只是東西方觀念差距的開始而已。




     In the Chinese society, teachers are highly esteemed. The author referred to an impressive Chinese proverb mentioning that “One day my teacher, my father for life.” which highlights the reverence that teachers receive in the East. Teachers seem to be regarded as the key that are not only responsible for students’ academic matters, but also their behaviors. In the West, on the contrary, teachers’ role is not emphasized since parents are the first and foremost teachers for children. Westerners have a nifty saying, indicating that “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.”




     In reality, Westerners and Easterners conceive diversely in certain areas, and the role that teachers play in education and upbringing is just one instance. For example, Westerners incline to observe the laws, thinking of regulations as means to assure their rights; once the laws are set, everything has to be executed and done by the book. From Chinese points of views, however, laws are implemented to protect the privileged and limit their freedom. They are likely to find the vagueness and flaw of the laws and expect some flexibility from manipulation of personal contacts. After all, “None cares since the law enforcement is as far as the heaven.”





     Another significant example is language learning. Most Westerners learn second or foreign languages for communication or expression, looking upon another language as a tool of making life better. By contrast, Easterners do so for specific reasons like passing assessments or gaining the certification of the target language, deeming that another language is a crucial instrument for earning their living, which can also explain why Chinese parents tend to emphasize education to a point of compelling their children to bend over for piles of books, and that Western parents will totally disagree with.




     Nevertheless, as the East and the West interact more frequently, it appears that both sides are seeking similarity, striving to learn something from each other’s advantages. In addition to feng shui and the value of Chinese medicine, Westerners now notice the importance of teaching in education, starting to contend that teaching a profession that deserves respect. Meanwhile, Chinese begin to value the obedience to the laws and enjoy the feeling of being protected and regulated by the law enforcement. Although West is west, East is East, but finally the twain meets.



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Emrah, our attractive and charismatic classmate, is about to leave England back to his country this weekend. To celebrate the ending of the whole taught units of English Language Teaching (again) and accomplishment of all assignments, he decided to throw a farewell party in memory of the whole year’s learning and the friendship shared by all of the classmates. All MA program participants were invited, including the pleasure-oriented party-goers, us.



To make special food contributions, we decided to make something unusual. Looking through the popular food-preparation websites, we downloaded a recipe and learned a particular cool side-dish, the orange tuna salad. Furthermore, we made a very wonderful green-bean soup. For demonstrating our whole-hearted gratitude to Emmra’s passion and earnest invitation, we also attempted to bring some significant strawberries freshly picked from the strawberry farm. It was a shame that we were short of any appropriate plates, so we didn’t make it. In fact, we did bring the strawberry over----in our stomach.


Our class almost reunited when it’s around the time of the party. We also met Emmra’s hospitable family members and some of Emmra’s flatmates; one of them is very friendly German friend, Armguard. We chatted a lot about the living and studying in England, and of course the pleasant characteristics Emmra has. It’s really our pleasure to know such a wonderful Cyprus friend, who is always enthusiastic to share everything wonderful things in life. Whenever we see and talk to him, we can’t help but feel brilliant and delighted. Not a bookworm always digging into plies of books as he is, we learn a lot from the way he deals with life, associates with friends and handles things with the proper attitudes. As enthusiastic and hospitable as Emmra, his family organized all party chores and offered assistants to the guests.


The party was fantastic and fun-filled, and the food was awesome as well. Emmra himself cooked and prepared some main dishes since that day morning, and his efforts paid off. To our surprise, our well-prepared tuna salad was popular and finished in no time in such a cool weather. The most fantastic food was represented by our five-starred chef, Tu. Every traditional Taiwanese cuisine she brought was finished before the plate got warm. The pearl-milk tea dedicated by Khorkina was welcomed and enjoyed, taking every guest by storm. However, it seemed that few guests actually paid attention to the food, probably we felt so heart-broken to say good bye to such a nice friend.


Even though we felt reluctant to do that, but it’s time to say goodbye. It started to rain when we departed as if the sky were also weeping. Emrah was even moved into tears when we had to go. Cheers and cheer up, my friend. We look forward to seeing you in the near future again!
















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        Pre-sessional courses are the specific language taught units provided for the future master students who want to strengthen their language proficiency to cope with the heavy load of academic requirement set up for their master programs. There are three levels for pre-sessional courses in the University of Southampton, starting from June, July and August. Just like the minor leagues for the American Major League Baseball, there are A, AA and AAA three levels, providing strict and sufficient training for the baseball players who are considered not ready for the challenge of the “real combat”.


        As far as our classmates who used to attend these units are concerned, these highly-recommended taught units do expose them to adequate authentic academic materials that fits into the standard level of conventional British academic requirement. The tutors in the units will cater for everything you need for academic purpose in English with great expertise and professiofal��m. The training may be tough, the pressure may be overwhelming, but is likely to be beneficial to your English proficiency, particularly in reading and academic writing. You will be instructed with almost all language skills you need in your master programs, ranging from oral presentation, academic writing, to effective learning strategies.


        These taught units are overall worth-attending; however, there are also some potential constraints. Praticipants' listening, reading and writing will be effectively cultivated and reinforced through the training programs, but the progress you make in speaking tends to be limited because of the Chinese-surrounding setting. Chances are that two-thirds of your classmates are Chinese because Chinese need the pre-sessional units most; how can you expect great leap in speaking if you are surrounded by Chinese classmates and rely on Putonghua outside the classrooms? To make matter worse, your pressure could come from not only your academic schoolwork, but also the tutor who are supposed to assist you. Some emotional or hair-splitting tutors will pick on their students and make the process of assessing assignments a torture, turning a pleasant learning procedure into a nightmare. It is estimated that the chance you meet such teacher as class tutor is one to eleven.


        Additionally, pre-sessional students are not allowed to use some specific facility provided for master and PHD students, such as the microwave oven in the MA room. There is a water machine for cool and freezing water, but you have to figure out your own way to access hot water supply. Owing to the contract the school with hot-food caterer, hot water is not available on campus to hinder these caterers from making profits. The school authority seems to insist on the distinguishing treatment as if the pre-sessional students were the players struggling in the minor league, desperate for the chance to stretch their muscles in the diamond.  

        此外,先修課程的學生不能使用一些學校提供給碩士生和博士生的設備,像是MA room裡的微波爐。學校有提供冷水的飲水機,但熱水要自己想辦法。因為學校有和提供熱食的外燴業者簽約的關係,會阻礙他們營利機會的熱水不能被供應。學校似乎很堅持這些差別待遇,彷彿先修課程的學生就像是在小聯盟打滾、期待能上大聯盟球場一展身手的球員似的。

        Anyway, look on the bright side of the pre-sessional units. Just imagine that you are Chien-Ming Wang and expected to debut in the major league in September. To ensure you can outperform your rivals, you need more skills not only to control fastballs, sliders, sinkers and changeups, but more abilities to handle the pressure when bases are loaded. Gear up and go for it, and you will shine like Chien-Ming Wang in the Major League.






我們的同學身後的那跟竿子是公車站牌, 記得要看公車時刻表等車 從市區經過這裡到學校的U2B平常日半小時一班, 時間蠻準確的.


先修課程同學將來一定會很熟悉的飲水機! 不能用瓶子裝, 只能用星巴克隨行杯!


艾曼紐校區學生餐廳的價位, 大家可以Download下來之後放大, 就知道在這裡吃一餐大概要多少錢囉!!




標榜國際食物的熱熟食區, 看起來很好吃唷!






不坐公車, 就算在清爽宜人的鄉間小道漫步回學校也是一種愜意的享受.


上課的老師固然可以給我們comprehensible input, 但是meaningful output還是得靠自己. 聽說我們班同學Robs今年有可能會到pre來教英文唷!





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The way we learn English is completely different from the way Western people learn a second or foreign language. In their perception, learning language is for communication or fun; for us, however, learning English is for assessment, or even for the welfare of the whole life. In reality, we can use the marks on tests to get the admission into the so-called elite universities with top-five reputation, but you cannot use them for interpersonally interactive communication.



We learn English for tests and tests only, which can explain why many people have great difficulty in communicating with great language proficiency in reading and writing. We pay attention to what is going to be assessed, and forget the original function for language is to deal with everything in life. You may find you didn’t know how to say in English the tap is dripping, the showerhead needs cleaning, the drain is blocked, and don’t understand what is tin-opener with wonderful performance on tests.



To make the matter worse, under the influence of assessments, we overemphasize the importance of accuracy rather than fluency, which may hinder the way we express ourselves. To make sure everything is 100 percent correct, we would find us organizing whatever we want to talk in our head, but the right moment to say anything may have passed. That’s why many Westerners consider us the silent people without critical thinking. We tend to have the misconception of “less speech, less errors”. The truth is, native speakers, including our tutors and professors, dare not guarantee that there is any 100 percent correct English, and the diversities of English do exist. From their perspectives, the importance of communicative competence outweighs language accuracy, and language learners should be allowed to learn from any possible mistakes and errors they made.



Be daring to use language! Don’t be hesitant, just use it! Don’t always turn to dictionaries for help to check whether you are correct or not. Don’t evaluate others’ English by their accent, including your own! Even native speakers use some lexicon out of range of dictionaries, such as “sub-warden” and “washback”, but still can communicate with immediate feedback and interaction. Even native speakers like our Canadian or South African neighbours make errors in their mother tongue, not to mention us!




我們可愛的加拿大鄰居剛剛說了"He don't ......". 文法錯了, so what!!

Wherever you are, just say it! Don't think too much!!

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        It is only the matter of hours that the opening of 2008 season for Major League Baseball starts; that is to say, it is the time for us to enjoy Cheng-Ming Wang’s marvellous performance in the pitcher’s mound, contending with the first-level baseball players gathering from all over the world. In addition to blogging and local travelling, watching live baseball games on-line has been a part of my daily life.



        It is also interesting to say that my dissertation has something to do with Wang. If my memory severs me well, it is the game where he pitched against Red Socks and obtained a win last year that inspired me to reflect over my teaching. Observing that Wang has been students’ everyday topic for chatting around, I represented an article downloaded directly from Yankees’ website commentating Wang’s performance in his win. It is very authentic material and I assume students may find it interesting.



        To my disappointment, however, students didn’t show much interest and some of them even complained about the material I chose. “It’s so authentic in American daily life, but it also means that it can’t be the text for test. Why should we spend time on something that can be contained as test materials?” One of the most outstanding students in my homeroom class mentioned.



        This phenomenon reminded me of the backwash effect brought about by tests, assessments as well as exams, especially those high-stake tests, which may determine language learners’ welfare of life. The assessments are so influential that students overemphasize the preparation for them, solely paying attention to what is going to be assessed. Pragmatic, useful, practical and “down-to-earth” materials are left behind because they can’t be evaluated by tests. The influence resulting from tests are referred to as the backwash effect.



        As a result of the myth and backwash of tests, the truth that most Taiwanese language learners cannot lead their life smoothly overseas raises few English teachers’ eyebrows, even though they have spent years of learning. Heeding only accuracy rather than fluency, they don’t know how to address everyday issue happening around them with the English they have learnt because it is not going to be assessed. They have to turn to Chinese website such as Yahoo for ensuring whether Wang wins or not because they cannot realise what is going on in the English-written websites.



        To make good use of the backwash effect, some linguistics and language teaching experts suggest that test-designers adopt these authentic materials as test texts so that students can transfer their focus swiftly. My study for dissertation is going to discuss the pros and cons about it. Anyway, Wang inspired me to take a further look into the backwash effect of tests. We do hope that Wang can outperform what he has done last year and lead the Yankees into the post-season series. Wish him the best luck!



哇, 好多的觀眾, 如此才能支撐美國獨特的棒球文化.




美國費城人隊的主場. Jay同學想打王建民的伸卡球想瘋了...


應該用英語教壘球, 至少讓憂鬱天使的英語不再憂鬱...


點菜用的英語不會考, 所以不教, 所以不會用英語點菜?


酒吧裡用的點酒英語不會考, 所以不教, 所以不點, 喝白開水?


像是公園的球場, 看球也是種享受.


LP? 敗戰投手啦! 觀眾人數三萬多人, 中華職棒的十倍...大家有空要多多支持中華職棒呀!


shinyshine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()




        England is a wonderful country worth your visit. She is rich in history and humanity, and you don’t have to do your reading purposefully because you have been naturally experiencing it. You can always obtain the access to knowledge; churches, buildings, towers, rivers, pubs, even the painting in the subway. Learning to your heart’s content here, you can be completely involved in the pursuit of historical, humane, and multicultural social knowledge. You will be swamped with what you are exposed to when living or traveling in England, which will incredibly broaden your horizons. What you experience here will fully stuff your backpack when you go home.



        The British people have mixed and diverse characters and personalities. They tend to have strong sense of pride or superiority; some British people lack flexibility and are kind of stubborn when working on their business. They might not be extraordinarily friendly to foreign visitors at the beginning. Instead, they are likely to demonstrate their hospitality and kindness after they become familiar with you. Once befriending them, you will be amazed by their enthusiastic greeting and thoughtful treatment. We have a couple of local British friends here in our class, all of whom are considerate and gentle, giving us a lot of advice and assistance whenever we need. Additionally, you may meet other international people learning and living here. Chances are you may get some international friends in variety of social occasions, getting along well with them will definitely do you good not only in your English but also for looking things from diverse perspectives. Having some socials with them in pubs will be a terrific idea, where you can also enjoy this unique atmosphere and culture of England.



        England is also home to many terrific outfits or merchandise with outstanding qualities. The overcoats manufactured locally in England, for example, have marvelous water-proof fabric that can guarantee the comfort of the wearers. Besides, the shoes with Gore-Tex are designed to meet the needs to withstand the sudden and violent rain with wind, offered for patrons at fairly acceptable prices. Bone China tea-ware for traditional afternoon English tea is something really delicate you can’t ignore in your shopping list. Some brand-name products like Burberry or Harrods handbags and accessories will even be provided at unbelievably reduced prices if you pick the right time. Anyway, the trip to England won’t be complete without hunting for such real bargains.



         However, all places have advantages and disadvantages, and England is no exception, especially for food, weather and high-rising retail prices. It is widely assumed that the food provided here, whether they are Chinese cuisine or not, is not satisfactory. The options for food are very limited, and the lack of flavor is internationally notorious, referred to as the worst thing that new settlers or tourists have to endure. In addition, some people complain about rainy and cloudy weather here, particularly in winter when there is always sudden rainstorm that will take you off guard. Walking in the chilly mud is something that you don’t hope to experience. When it comes to the rising prices for daily necessities, you have to face the music that everything sold here is hiked up as the worldwide tendency does. The pressure of adjusting yourself to the new environment could be overwhelming.



        Nonetheless, we should look on the bright side and make the most out of the ordeals mentioned above. Being optimistic and developing our potential are the two essential attitudes that can see us through. For instance, we can manufacture food on our own; now we can make the skins for water dumplings and the buns by ourselves, which we have never thought of before. The chill of the weather enables you to experience diverse patterns of weather and the actual four seasons. Snow in winter is now a part of your life rather than your dream if you lived or traveled in the mid-England or northern further. Change our attitudes, and we turned pressure into pleasure.



        It is our belief that you can definitely learn something in the academic and extracurricular life in England. It is true that we had to get used to almost everything and felt inconvenient, but things have bettered a lot since we did our utmost to fit in with the living surroundings here. The living and learning here is no longer as beautiful as a fairy tale for international students like us; instead, it is a true story that takes pains and efforts. Anyway, learning and living in England is a blend of pleasure and pressure, and you can definitely enrich your experience of life here.



You will see the painting over the tile when walking in the subway.


The painting includes crucial historical moments. This painting depicts when Admiral Nelson died in 1805.


The Picture depicts  the strategy Nelson took in the Trafalgar Battle in 1805, Nelson died in the battle but led England to complete victory. 


River Cam, the place you won't miss in the trip of England.


Very friendly,gentle and well-intended professor.


Coffee break during the classes.

The word "Pearl Harbour" means a lot to us now.


In fact, they are eager to be the tasters of our culture.


Latte helps us build the friendship with friends, classmates, neighbors; everyone!

It's good to have Chinese lunch out of our flat!


Wonderful England! Except for food. 


It looks and sounds like British food. It's from Italy, however.


Fish & Chip is considered the most local food here. The flavour varys.


At least, we can depend on ourselves to make buns or dumplings by ourselves. Thanks to our master, Koala, we can make excellent water dumpling skins now.


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  If you were a shopaholic, you would not miss the period after Christmas in the U.K. Starting form the following day of Christmas, Boxing Day, the period of time in January provides desperate bargain hunters definite good chance to grab any possible cheap deals, ranging from outfits, household appliances, electrical gadgets, designer threads, to brand name items. It’s said that there are two reasons explaining why the word boxing is chosen to be named after the holiday. On the one hand, customers need to use plies of boxes for the packaging. On the other hand, the competition for items on sale is so fierce that shoppers have to contend with other competitors, using their fists, for what they are longing for. Believe it or not, seize the opportunity to hit the street or you will regret.

  如果你是個購物狂,你絕對不能錯過英國聖誕節過後的這段時間。從聖誕節隔天的Boxing Day開始,這段時間提供給省錢達人絕佳的超值購物良機,從服飾、家電用品、電子商品、設計精品、到名牌商品等等。據說Boxing Day的名稱由來有兩個原因:就一方面而言,購物的人要用成堆的盒子打包買的東西。另一方面而言,對這些超值商品的競爭是如此激烈,以至於顧客們必須拳腳相向爭取他們期待購買的商品。信不信由你,不把握機會逛街你會後悔。


  The on-sale items with slashed prices displayed in the shop windows and the shoppers spending countless hours lining up for them account for the frenzy of shopping during the time. The phenomenon that some hardy people even camp outside the shop raises few Taiwanese’s eyebrows. As some stores do in Taiwan, patrons who got early entrance into the shop will be rewarded with special discount: as much as 80 % percent! Judged by the individuals rushing in and out to buy more, the strategy seems to work universally.



  Driven by the appeal of cheap items, we planed another trip to the prestigious outlets in Portsmouth, where has been considered an ideal shopping paradise for some Taiwanese friends to do the purchasing. With crowds of people flocking over there, the shopping mall provided us the coziest place to patronize. The shoes exhibited in the Clarks demonstrated terrific qualities and amazing level of comfort, and the prices for them had been reduced to one-fourth of their original ones. The books on clearance in the Works for children and teenagers were worthwhile to pack our backpack. We even had to buy another new DIADORA carriage pack to load what we had bought that day, and the pack itself is a real bargain as well! The Burberry handbags and outfits are said to be the must-buys, but it is a shame that the Burberry outlet seems to offer nothing particular to meet our needs. All items on sale for this year had all sold out.

     受到便宜貨的驅使,我們計畫另一趟到普茲茅斯暢貨中心的旅程,那裏已經被許多台灣同學視為理想的購物天堂。伴隨著成群結隊的逛街人潮,這個購物中心提供我們光顧的最舒適地點。在Clarks展示的鞋子品質超好又舒服,價錢減到原來的四分之一。在the Works裡清倉賣出的青少年兒童讀物適合拿來墊背包。我們甚至必須買一個DIADORA登機包來裝我們那天買的東西,而那個登機包本身就是物超所值的東西。人家都說Burberry暢貨中心裡的包包和服飾必買,但是似乎已經沒有甚麼可以值得買的便宜貨。所有年度特賣的商品已經賣光了。


  In addition to hunting for bargains, the mall presented us a wonderful place refreshing your exhaustion arising from the restless shopping schedule. The Mariners, an all-you-can-eat restaurant, supplied us with various Chinese and Taiwanese cuisines and flavorsome snacks, even including fried dumplings and salted fried chicken! We were moved into tears because we missed such terrific Taiwanese food so much, and the charge per head for the meal is quite reasonable, especially after spending some and doing so much shopping. In reality, the shopping list seems go on and on and we can’t make it without being reinforced in strength!



  Don’t hesitate if you have been saving for the merry days in January. Be organized and enjoy the pleasure of hitting the shop. Everything is on the massive clearance and all must go!




他們家的鞋子真的是好穿又好用, 男鞋還蠻好看的. 適合英國這種乾燥又多雨的天氣. 重點是, 在這裡被視為家常鞋款, 台灣卻視為名牌, 以至於在這裡買超級划算. 我親眼看到一雙原價59鎊的鞋子價錢一路下殺到20鎊, 買了!  

大出清!!! 西裝半價!


超好吃的煎餃加鹽酥雞, 在倫敦一顆煎餃要價1鎊!


多種蔬菜組合, 自行到bar台取用, 很好吃.




25折, 不買別說英國物價貴...女用合身外套只要7鎊! 不到台幣500元!


堅固又耐用的包包專賣店. 為了搬我的桌上型電腦回國, 還是忍痛買了一個袋子...


哇哇哇哇, 從今天起你們都是我的了...呵呵呵呵, 買不起照下來總可以!


不用多介紹了吧! 想買的親朋好友請告訴我要哪一套哪一款!


清倉! 不用太興奮, 9鎊就可以買到Burberry的......手帕一條!

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        After having spent the night doing the countdown at the New Year’s Eve in London, we definitely have specific reasons to celebrate the merry occasion and family fiesta by watching the New Year’s Day Parade, which will be also broadcast live via satellite by BBC to provide TV viewers throughout the world with a fantastic view. Beginning at the Parliament Square, the entries of the parade will be scheduled to march through the parliament street to the Trafalgar Square, then through the Regent Street to the Piccadilly Circus, and eventually end at the corner of the Green Park. The teams and units in the parade won’t kick off until 12 o’clock at noon, and it means that regular visitors have plenty of time to be well-prepared for the festival.



         For visitors like us, however, it doesn’t seem that we have nothing to do but kick our heels for the whole morning. In reality, we’d better occupy the vacancy beside the main path where the parade will tread upon before it starts to be awfully packed. Additionally, we have to buy something to refresh ourselves regularly because the parade lasts for two hours, and we have to stand through it without buying tickets for seats in the grandstands in case we are too exhausted. By the way, rehearsals practiced prior to the parade are wonderful for filming as well.



        As soon as the clock over the Big Ben struck at twelve, the parade officially launched. Participants coming not only locally but also overseas did their utmost to smile, cheer and wave to the parade-watchers, and the audiences are encouraged to do exactly the same thing in return. The entries in the parade, which comprise cheerleaders from high schools and universities from U.S.A., folk societies, official organizations, British boroughs, marching bands, clubs and even orchestras, did so partially for the audience and New Year and actually for the 20,000 prize money. They did an awesome job for the street was lined up with a myriad of viewers, and all participants’ efforts really took us by storm.


        大笨鐘一敲十二點,遊行就正式開始了。來自英國境內和海外的遊行參與者盡全力微笑、歡呼、向旁觀群眾揮手,觀眾們也被鼓勵回報以同樣的事。遊行的參賽者由美國高中或大學的啦啦隊、民間社團、官方組織、英國特色鄉鎮、樂儀隊、社團、甚至交響樂隊所組成,這麼做一部份為了觀眾和新年,事實上可能為了高達兩萬英鎊的獎金。他們做到了, 因為街道兩旁擠滿了非常多觀眾,而參賽者的表現的確使我們為之傾倒。


        Among all the entries, We enjoy the cheerleaders from the Universal Cheerleaders Association performing to the Beatles classics ” Can’t Buy Me Love” and “A Hard Day’s Night” most. Their greeting is the warmest, their dance is the sharpest, and their cheering is the most inspiring. It’s not easy for over 200 cheerleaders to perform in such fabulous tempo, but they did it like a breeze. The costumes and makeup they wore, together with the performances they did left nothing to be desired. We do long to see such an exceptional parade in the near future.


        The following are some fractions adapted from the performances filmed from the parade. Click the go sign and enjoy it!










早期的觀光巴士: 還能載滿滿的人, 保養很好!


英國早期的公車: 非常有特色.


步伐整齊的樂儀隊, 隊伍中不乏亞裔面孔.


職業水準的啦啦隊! 她們會主動搜尋鏡頭並對鏡頭歡呼, 微笑.


超感動! shine服役時國軍還在用的美軍二戰期間吉普車重現江湖! 駕駛竟然是女兵!


美國陸軍在二戰期間使用的傷患後運吉普車. 當美軍還是幸福的!


二戰期間對聯軍後勤補給非常重要的貨車, 使的盟軍能在突出部之役快速集結101空降師等部隊固守巴斯通, 瓦解德軍功敗垂成的反撲.






以下是在特拉法加廣場錄到的啦啦隊舞蹈片段, 大家好好欣賞一下吧! 如果覺得不錯請留個言, 我會盡量去蒐羅不錯的影片滴.

shinyshine 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

Festival of Christmas in Portsmouth




       Christmas is the most important holiday for many westerners, not only for Catholics but also for Christians. Even the people that used to protest against the corruption of religions from the 16th century, the Protestants, are no exception. But do you actually know the way they celebrate such marvelous occasion? They shop!



        The Festival of Christmas in Portsmouth is definitely one of the best places for the people who have shopping spree. A wide variety of international stands are there for you to patronize, ranging from food, entertainment, household appliances, souvenirs, to handicrafts produced by worldwide artists. You can buy the universally famous Belgian chocolate, Netherland traditional woodenware, Germany hog sausages or hamburgers, Russian wish dolls, and so on. The main street is lined on both sides with unique museums and shops, telling you fascinating stories about Navy and her industry and charming you by refined keepsakes.



        Additionally, the local people will exert themselves to draw your attention. During the whole festival, they will put on Victorian costumes, doing whatever the Victorians used to do in the 19th century to present the good old days they have been through. You will see them dancing, walking and even biking, exactly in the conventionally-preserved way. The 19th century British navy crew, officers and sailors included, will definitely entertain you by “torturing” their “prisoners” by making them walk around the street with foot chain, even though the same guys are laughing and cheering before another crepe stand a few minutes ago. Well-taught and elegant Victorian ladies are appealing to you for casting a vote for what they have done for their outfit. All you experience today is really refreshing and worth your recall.



        Really exhausted from the shopping? Let’s take a short break to try the international flavors. Lots of choices to make, and we sampled the burger from a Hog Roast stand from Germany. It provided freshly-cooked hamburger with roasted pork and slices of soft bread, topped with hand-made special sauce. The taste was really beyond description even we had to finish the meal on foot. Then we took a bite of burgers from another stand which guaranteed that they provided additive-free cuisines. They also tasted great with salad as one of the ingredients.



        It’s time to move further to the brand-name outlets and Spinnaker Tower around the corner. The trip won’t be complete without the breath-taking view over that tower. Please be well-prepared because you will find yourself floating above the harbor in no time. If you can’t take that thrill, you can try to have a cup of latte before it’s too late, because the queue will start to take shape right after the lunch time.




前一秒還看到他們彼此說說笑笑, 下一秒其中兩個人就要裝可憐了




大排長龍買Hog Roast!



歡樂活潑的載歌載舞, 帶動市集的熱鬧氣氛

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Sunday’s House Party


  This Sunday, one of our dear professors, Rose, invited all the class to go over her house for a party. For us, it’s the greatest chance to experience the authentically traditional English living style. We were extraordinarily excited and accepted her invitation as soon as we were informed. Of course, we were asked to bring our own dish to please other guests’ taste buds. We are glad because it means we can help share the responsibility to treat other people.



  What should we make for a dish so as to make some other guests happy rather than drive them to hit the ceiling? Lots of nibbles come along to our minds, ranging from shortbread fingers bought from the local supermarkets to hand-made desserts. In the long run, we decided to make a dish that my father-in-law had taught my wife to do in Taiwan. My wife Amy wrote down the recipe in detail and I did the cooking. The process of making such dish was like a breeze and the preparation was done in no time. We called it the “Hakka meat ball” just in case that someone would ask. The name also reminded me of a very special student that I had taught before.



  When we got there, we found that we must have been very desperate for such a banquet because we were the first group of students that came. We were showed around by the hostess, Rose, and we marveled at the elegance of the house’s decoration and the thoughtful arrangement for guests. Refined wall papers, neatly-arranged bookshelves, warm lighting and polished carpets really grab our attention, let alone the tasteful feast settings. We mustn’t take their efforts to make guests comfortable for granted. Rose and her son are so hospitable that we can eat to our hearts’ content.



  The food and drink is fabulously provided as an international food buffet. Most of us were so merry because it might be the biggest welcoming festival ever since we have been in England. We found ourselves pigging out in piles of delectable international cuisines, moving on from starters, side dishes, main courses, and further to desserts. Drinks like juice, wine, coffee and even soy milk were in abundant supply. Our “Hakka meatball” turned out a wonderful success, ending up something left in the plate but sauce when I want to grab a mouthful.



  Time flies especially when people are delighted. We really didn’t want to say goodbye if we could choose. We do look forward to such a ball if there is another time.





大家都在吃, 除了攝影師...


同學謝謝捧場唷! 妳正在拿我們做的客家肉丸




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Let's  party!

        The other way we recreate ourselves is throwing home parties in our flat. In England, hosting home parties is very usual and prevalent among households, which conveys positive and healthy images for the community and invitees. As a matter of fact, home parties represent mutual trust, long-lasting friendship, reciprocal sharing, and sincere concern between people. In Taiwan, however, such beneficial parties usually end up covered in the front-page in society section under headlines related to drug abusers, pills of ecstasy, or even sex. It is indecent of some Taiwanese media to take advantage of the Taiwanese people by making up such sensational titles.

        另外一種我們的娛樂方式是在我們的宿舍裡辦轟趴(home party)。在英國,辦轟趴(home party)是家庭之間非常平常盛行的活動。對社區及受邀者而言,這種家庭聚會傳達著非常積極而健康的訊息。事實上,轟趴代表著互信,堅定的友誼,相互分享,以及人與人之間的關懷。然而在台灣,這種有益身心的活動結果常常是社會版的頭條,和吸毒者,搖頭丸,甚至性搞在一起。台灣媒體這種藉著聳動標題炒新聞,取得不當利益的行為,實在令人不敢苟同。


        Nevertheless, we still have to adjust ourselves to meeting the needs of current situation. Our flat is by no means spacious, so we can only invite rather limited number guests to come. In this way, four guests is the maximum. We can’t accommade more because we don’t have sufficient chairs and even enough food. Additionally, we definitely can’t turn on the stereo or listen to rock music because the wall has ears and our adorable neighbors are just next to it.



        Organizing a party is nothing but a breeze. First, we have to make lists about guests, refreshment and food, and the time. Of course, we will ask our invitees’ preference and try our best to assure that they can eat to their heart’s content. Then we will go shopping for what we needs and clean up our living surroundings, making out flat look comfortable, neat and orderly. The last part of the preparation is arranging the seats and the tea table, where our friends are going to spend their leisure time with us.



        Drink and food is the indispensible element for a successful party. Our espresso maker goes a long way toward serving all our guests cups of warm latte, which can go well with almost any snacks such as croissants, pastries, biscuits, tiramisu, mince pies, muffins, and even fruit bowl combo. Sometimes, our considerate guests will also bring themselves with their favorite nibbles, or the hosts and hostess can ask them to do so. Pay attention, however, when you make such requests because nibbles and nipples are two absolutely different things. It would be embarrassing if you mix them up.



      With elegant latte and refreshment served, our guests and we are chatting, gossiping and talking about everything we want to share. The gorgeous taste of food and the fabulous smell of coffee with milk stimulate our appetite for further knowledge feast. The afternoon was total indulgence of interest and mind.










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