Let's party!
The other way we recreate ourselves is throwing home parties in our flat. In England, hosting home parties is very usual and prevalent among households, which conveys positive and healthy images for the community and invitees. As a matter of fact, home parties represent mutual trust, long-lasting friendship, reciprocal sharing, and sincere concern between people. In Taiwan, however, such beneficial parties usually end up covered in the front-page in society section under headlines related to drug abusers, pills of ecstasy, or even sex. It is indecent of some Taiwanese media to take advantage of the Taiwanese people by making up such sensational titles.
另外一種我們的娛樂方式是在我們的宿舍裡辦轟趴(home party)。在英國,辦轟趴(home party)是家庭之間非常平常盛行的活動。對社區及受邀者而言,這種家庭聚會傳達著非常積極而健康的訊息。事實上,轟趴代表著互信,堅定的友誼,相互分享,以及人與人之間的關懷。然而在台灣,這種有益身心的活動結果常常是社會版的頭條,和吸毒者,搖頭丸,甚至性搞在一起。台灣媒體這種藉著聳動標題炒新聞,取得不當利益的行為,實在令人不敢苟同。
Nevertheless, we still have to adjust ourselves to meeting the needs of current situation. Our flat is by no means spacious, so we can only invite rather limited number guests to come. In this way, four guests is the maximum. We can’t accommade more because we don’t have sufficient chairs and even enough food. Additionally, we definitely can’t turn on the stereo or listen to rock music because the wall has ears and our adorable neighbors are just next to it.
Organizing a party is nothing but a breeze. First, we have to make lists about guests, refreshment and food, and the time. Of course, we will ask our invitees’ preference and try our best to assure that they can eat to their heart’s content. Then we will go shopping for what we needs and clean up our living surroundings, making out flat look comfortable, neat and orderly. The last part of the preparation is arranging the seats and the tea table, where our friends are going to spend their leisure time with us.
Drink and food is the indispensible element for a successful party. Our espresso maker goes a long way toward serving all our guests cups of warm latte, which can go well with almost any snacks such as croissants, pastries, biscuits, tiramisu, mince pies, muffins, and even fruit bowl combo. Sometimes, our considerate guests will also bring themselves with their favorite nibbles, or the hosts and hostess can ask them to do so. Pay attention, however, when you make such requests because nibbles and nipples are two absolutely different things. It would be embarrassing if you mix them up.
With elegant latte and refreshment served, our guests and we are chatting, gossiping and talking about everything we want to share. The gorgeous taste of food and the fabulous smell of coffee with milk stimulate our appetite for further knowledge feast. The afternoon was total indulgence of interest and mind.