
The way we learn English is completely different from the way Western people learn a second or foreign language. In their perception, learning language is for communication or fun; for us, however, learning English is for assessment, or even for the welfare of the whole life. In reality, we can use the marks on tests to get the admission into the so-called elite universities with top-five reputation, but you cannot use them for interpersonally interactive communication.



We learn English for tests and tests only, which can explain why many people have great difficulty in communicating with great language proficiency in reading and writing. We pay attention to what is going to be assessed, and forget the original function for language is to deal with everything in life. You may find you didn’t know how to say in English the tap is dripping, the showerhead needs cleaning, the drain is blocked, and don’t understand what is tin-opener with wonderful performance on tests.



To make the matter worse, under the influence of assessments, we overemphasize the importance of accuracy rather than fluency, which may hinder the way we express ourselves. To make sure everything is 100 percent correct, we would find us organizing whatever we want to talk in our head, but the right moment to say anything may have passed. That’s why many Westerners consider us the silent people without critical thinking. We tend to have the misconception of “less speech, less errors”. The truth is, native speakers, including our tutors and professors, dare not guarantee that there is any 100 percent correct English, and the diversities of English do exist. From their perspectives, the importance of communicative competence outweighs language accuracy, and language learners should be allowed to learn from any possible mistakes and errors they made.



Be daring to use language! Don’t be hesitant, just use it! Don’t always turn to dictionaries for help to check whether you are correct or not. Don’t evaluate others’ English by their accent, including your own! Even native speakers use some lexicon out of range of dictionaries, such as “sub-warden” and “washback”, but still can communicate with immediate feedback and interaction. Even native speakers like our Canadian or South African neighbours make errors in their mother tongue, not to mention us!




我們可愛的加拿大鄰居剛剛說了"He don't ......". 文法錯了, so what!!

Wherever you are, just say it! Don't think too much!!


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