

Recently I read a passage introducing the diverse conceptions over teachers’ roles between cultural backgrounds in the East and West . The passage, written in English by a native English-speaking language teacher currently working in Taiwan, illustrates that Chinese and Westerners treat and examine teachers from totally different perspectives, and that is the beginning of how the West and the East differ.

最近我讀了一篇很有趣的文章,文章的作者是個以英語為母語的外國人,目前在台灣當老師。這篇用英文寫成的文章介紹東西方 文化對 老師這個角色所持的截然不同的觀點,而這只是東西方觀念差距的開始而已。




     In the Chinese society, teachers are highly esteemed. The author referred to an impressive Chinese proverb mentioning that “One day my teacher, my father for life.” which highlights the reverence that teachers receive in the East. Teachers seem to be regarded as the key that are not only responsible for students’ academic matters, but also their behaviors. In the West, on the contrary, teachers’ role is not emphasized since parents are the first and foremost teachers for children. Westerners have a nifty saying, indicating that “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.”




     In reality, Westerners and Easterners conceive diversely in certain areas, and the role that teachers play in education and upbringing is just one instance. For example, Westerners incline to observe the laws, thinking of regulations as means to assure their rights; once the laws are set, everything has to be executed and done by the book. From Chinese points of views, however, laws are implemented to protect the privileged and limit their freedom. They are likely to find the vagueness and flaw of the laws and expect some flexibility from manipulation of personal contacts. After all, “None cares since the law enforcement is as far as the heaven.”





     Another significant example is language learning. Most Westerners learn second or foreign languages for communication or expression, looking upon another language as a tool of making life better. By contrast, Easterners do so for specific reasons like passing assessments or gaining the certification of the target language, deeming that another language is a crucial instrument for earning their living, which can also explain why Chinese parents tend to emphasize education to a point of compelling their children to bend over for piles of books, and that Western parents will totally disagree with.




     Nevertheless, as the East and the West interact more frequently, it appears that both sides are seeking similarity, striving to learn something from each other’s advantages. In addition to feng shui and the value of Chinese medicine, Westerners now notice the importance of teaching in education, starting to contend that teaching a profession that deserves respect. Meanwhile, Chinese begin to value the obedience to the laws and enjoy the feeling of being protected and regulated by the law enforcement. Although West is west, East is East, but finally the twain meets.




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