If you were a shopaholic, you would not miss the period after Christmas in the U.K. Starting form the following day of Christmas, Boxing Day, the period of time in January provides desperate bargain hunters definite good chance to grab any possible cheap deals, ranging from outfits, household appliances, electrical gadgets, designer threads, to brand name items. It’s said that there are two reasons explaining why the word boxing is chosen to be named after the holiday. On the one hand, customers need to use plies of boxes for the packaging. On the other hand, the competition for items on sale is so fierce that shoppers have to contend with other competitors, using their fists, for what they are longing for. Believe it or not, seize the opportunity to hit the street or you will regret.
如果你是個購物狂,你絕對不能錯過英國聖誕節過後的這段時間。從聖誕節隔天的Boxing Day開始,這段時間提供給省錢達人絕佳的超值購物良機,從服飾、家電用品、電子商品、設計精品、到名牌商品等等。據說Boxing Day的名稱由來有兩個原因:就一方面而言,購物的人要用成堆的盒子打包買的東西。另一方面而言,對這些超值商品的競爭是如此激烈,以至於顧客們必須拳腳相向爭取他們期待購買的商品。信不信由你,不把握機會逛街你會後悔。
The on-sale items with slashed prices displayed in the shop windows and the shoppers spending countless hours lining up for them account for the frenzy of shopping during the time. The phenomenon that some hardy people even camp outside the shop raises few Taiwanese’s eyebrows. As some stores do in Taiwan, patrons who got early entrance into the shop will be rewarded with special discount: as much as 80 % percent! Judged by the individuals rushing in and out to buy more, the strategy seems to work universally.
Driven by the appeal of cheap items, we planed another trip to the prestigious outlets in Portsmouth, where has been considered an ideal shopping paradise for some Taiwanese friends to do the purchasing. With crowds of people flocking over there, the shopping mall provided us the coziest place to patronize. The shoes exhibited in the Clarks demonstrated terrific qualities and amazing level of comfort, and the prices for them had been reduced to one-fourth of their original ones. The books on clearance in the Works for children and teenagers were worthwhile to pack our backpack. We even had to buy another new DIADORA carriage pack to load what we had bought that day, and the pack itself is a real bargain as well! The Burberry handbags and outfits are said to be the must-buys, but it is a shame that the Burberry outlet seems to offer nothing particular to meet our needs. All items on sale for this year had all sold out.
受到便宜貨的驅使,我們計畫另一趟到普茲茅斯暢貨中心的旅程,那裏已經被許多台灣同學視為理想的購物天堂。伴隨著成群結隊的逛街人潮,這個購物中心提供我們光顧的最舒適地點。在Clarks展示的鞋子品質超好又舒服,價錢減到原來的四分之一。在the Works裡清倉賣出的青少年兒童讀物適合拿來墊背包。我們甚至必須買一個DIADORA登機包來裝我們那天買的東西,而那個登機包本身就是物超所值的東西。人家都說Burberry暢貨中心裡的包包和服飾必買,但是似乎已經沒有甚麼可以值得買的便宜貨。所有年度特賣的商品已經賣光了。
In addition to hunting for bargains, the mall presented us a wonderful place refreshing your exhaustion arising from the restless shopping schedule. The Mariners, an all-you-can-eat restaurant, supplied us with various Chinese and Taiwanese cuisines and flavorsome snacks, even including fried dumplings and salted fried chicken! We were moved into tears because we missed such terrific Taiwanese food so much, and the charge per head for the meal is quite reasonable, especially after spending some and doing so much shopping. In reality, the shopping list seems go on and on and we can’t make it without being reinforced in strength!
Don’t hesitate if you have been saving for the merry days in January. Be organized and enjoy the pleasure of hitting the shop. Everything is on the massive clearance and all must go!
他們家的鞋子真的是好穿又好用, 男鞋還蠻好看的. 適合英國這種乾燥又多雨的天氣. 重點是, 在這裡被視為家常鞋款, 台灣卻視為名牌, 以至於在這裡買超級划算. 我親眼看到一雙原價59鎊的鞋子價錢一路下殺到20鎊, 買了!
大出清!!! 西裝半價!
超好吃的煎餃加鹽酥雞, 在倫敦一顆煎餃要價1鎊!
多種蔬菜組合, 自行到bar台取用, 很好吃.
25折, 不買別說英國物價貴...女用合身外套只要7鎊! 不到台幣500元!
堅固又耐用的包包專賣店. 為了搬我的桌上型電腦回國, 還是忍痛買了一個袋子...
哇哇哇哇, 從今天起你們都是我的了...呵呵呵呵, 買不起照下來總可以!
不用多介紹了吧! 想買的親朋好友請告訴我要哪一套哪一款!
清倉! 不用太興奮, 9鎊就可以買到Burberry的......手帕一條!