British people tend to impress the people around the world with a stereotype that they pay no attention to food, and that is unfortunately true. The food provided here has improved a little bit because exotic cuisines with abundance and diversity of flavors are represented by lots of new immigrants and worldwide visitors coming over here, but still leaves much to be desired. But since we have to settle down here, we have to figure out the best strategies to meet the needs of our taste buds. 英國人給大家的刻板印象就是他們不重視吃;很不幸,這是真的。儘管目前英國的食物有一些些進步,因為移民和觀光客帶來有豐富多元特色的異國風味料理的關係,但是仍然有許多改善的空間。但既來之則安之,我們總要想盡辦法滿足自己的味蕾。 In fact, the pastries produced in England are rather satisfactory, and the taste of them is out of our imagination. Pastry is a mixture of flour, fat and water that is rolled out flat and baked as a base or covering for pies. The food made of pastry like turnover or pasty is prevailing and popular here. Turnover is a small pie in the shape of a triangle or half a circle, usually filled with fruit or jam, and pasty is a small pie containing meat and vegetables; you can buy a rich variety of all these foods in local food chains or bakeries. 事實上,英格蘭用油酥麵糰做的各種料理就很令人感到滿意,滋味超乎想像。油酥麵糰是一種麵粉、奶油、水和在一起擀平的麵皮,大多用來做派餅。用這種餅皮做出來的三角形或半圓形的水果餡餅和蔬菜雜燴餡餅到處都有,非常受歡迎。可以在連鎖店或是麵包店買到。 Among all pastries, cinnamon swirls are the best refreshments highly recommended for food tasters. Coconut macaroons, a kind of sweets, are something we won’t forget for a tempting tea break. A mug of tea, hot cocoa, or latte, together with some mouthwatering savories is the stimulus that will spur us on our piling-up academic schoolwork. For short-term visitors, these foods are something you shouldn’t miss! 在所有油酥麵糰做的料理當中,最棒的是肉桂捲,高度推薦給想在這裡嚐鮮的同學。另外一種甜點,椰子餡餅乾也是誘人的下午茶不可或缺的點心。一杯茶,可可熱飲,或是拿鐵是提振我們埋首書堆精神的振奮劑。對只來幾天的觀光客而言,更是不容錯過。 If you do refer to local food as something you can’t put up with, trying out for exotic flavors is definitely an option. International fast-food chains like Subways, Pizza huts, KFC, and MacDonald’s are offering various alternatives. Spending roughly 3 pounds to make a “sub of the day” a foot long will make hunger no longer your problem, and the mixture of vegetables as side-dish will take care of your health issue. Kebab, a traditional Turkish food, and mini filet hamburgers, presented by less than one pound by KFC, are taking off among international students as well. You by all means can invest more for your appetite in some Japanese cuisine restaurant. Anyway, don’t worry about food; life will find a way, and so do you! 如果你真的認為當地食物無法忍受,嘗試一下異國風味料理也絕對是選項之一。國際美食連鎖店像肯德基麥當勞披薩屋潛艇堡提供多元選擇。在潛艇堡,三鎊左右就可以把每日一堡做成兩人份,而附餐點的蔬菜(夾在漢堡裡)解決你認為速食不夠健康的問題。土耳其烤肉和不到一鎊的肯德基迷你菲力堡也相當受到國際學生歡迎。當然啦,也可以投資多一點試試日本料理。無論如何,不用安心食物,因為生命會自尋出路啦! 古色古香的麥當勞 連得來速都設計的美輪美奐!
義大利千層麵, 相當推薦的外來美食!
在倫敦買到的水餃皮便宜又好用, 包起來的水餃好看又好吃!
Let's have a mug of cocoa and coffee!
我們台式傳統英格蘭早餐, 養生又健康.
日本料理, 真的好吃, 也真的很貴!
猜猜多少錢? 猜中的請吃上閤屋!