這群法國師生來自法國西南部波爾多市的馬讓里高中,由17個學生和2個老師組成。為了能夠充分利用這節街頭實境法語課,我還特地從youtube網頁下載基礎法語的學習課程。上帝保佑,除了謝謝、日安、旅途愉快之外,在一個禮拜苦練之後,我終於學會法語的Hi 以及再見的用法,儘管這兩個用法其實是一樣的,而且實際使用的時候還是被糾正,後來大部分還是靠國際語言----英語----互動。看到我們學校的法文老師和法國師生無差別的流利交流,心中的羨慕感和法語的學習動機油然而生。
Peter, a student of mine, told me that he will try his best to master French if he has such opportunities to communicate with people from France.
We were so pleased that we can put French into authentic use.
Student Coco just picked up a French expression: grandmother.
We just like to hang out with international friends. Just taking pictures can be fun.
Nothing can compare with the fun of playing volleyball in an international team.
On one will let go of such terrific memory as the years go by.
I have already told my students to sharpen their skills in volleyball cause someday they are going to use. I beileve that they are convinced now.
Some langauge, some volleyball skills, some team work, and a feast of friendship is presented.
Now we are going to teach you the French word for dim sum: dim sum.
I swear to God that the three students are the most hard working. They actually settled down and bent over for some serious French study.
Thanks for anyone who is involved in such meaningful activity. I will always remember what has happened today.